Friday, November 18, 2016

Business Mission Statement

mission statement is a key tool that can be as important as your business plan. It captures, in a few succinct sentences, the essence of your business's goals and the philosophies underlying 

With this  product we embrace change. We understand that some people may just love to eat great tasting chocolate and that is understood. We figure if you're going to want to eat a good tasting chocolate with a hint of a coffee taste then our product is for all. Tonesway Chocolatte combines the great taste of chocolate with a splash of a coffee latte taste for a smooth blend. Often chocolate is mixed with other flavors and fruits but our blend is catered to the coffee and chocolate lover combining the best of both worlds.  When customers see our boxes of candies in coffee shops and stores,the immediate attraction will be or gold and bronze boxes with the coffee emblem embedded in the candies. Our mission is to draw the attention from each and every customer that sees the product and wants to try it. Chocolate has often been used as a substitute for coffee lovers when they are on the go. Continuing that trend is what our goal is and expanding it to various coffee houses and coffee lovers is our goal. We are not trying to replace the coffee or chocolate markets just blend the two world to satisfy lovers of both who are looking for the ultimate chocolate/coffee satisfaction. "The foundation of any marketing plan is the firms mission statement, which answers the question , "What business are we in?"pg 21 The firms mission statement establishes boundaries for all subsequent decisions, objectives and strategies". pg 21

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